This was a cave that the elders went down last week. We probably made it 40 ft down before it got too tight to squeeze through rocks.
Me and elder Yeck fishin for some bass. They were hitting hard!! The females had started making nests and were hitting anything that came near them....
Funny story about fishing. So there were all of the these ground squirrels, they were everywhere. And I assume that it was the males doing this, but they would go and attack the younger squirrels & one of them ended up breaking both back legs of one of them. We watched this happen & started walking toward the injured squirrel to kill it to put it out of suffering. And when we got about 5 feet away a HUGE hawk swooped in and grabbed the squirrel and flew off hahahahaha. It literally went maybe a foot over my head. Scared the crap out of me! I wish we got it on camera. It then flew off and ate the squirrel...