Nov. 7, 2016 Short & Sweet😊

Well, Elder Nokes is getting transfered.  My new companion's name is Elder Phillips. He is from Tampa, Florida.  Pretty cool guy.  I served around him when I was in Vista the first time.  He was there my first two transfers.  So I'm excited to be with him.

Sorry I don't have any time to email this week.  Our day today is packed because of transfers tomorrow and stuff.  So I will give a brief update.

Johnathan: Still the same basically.  

Anthony: We met with him this week one time.  He invited his girlfriend to take the discussions as well and she accepted.  He didn't make it to church yesterday though. So that is what we will focus on with him this week when we meet up with him.

Douglas: We met with him twice this week.  We just can't figure out whether or not we should just hand him off to the family ward missionaries.  And try to get his family to take the lessons with him.  We found out he has autism, so it would be better if he was able to do that.  To have the support coming from his family as well.  

I watched these videos a few weeks back and thought that they would be good to share with you all! We always need a reminder on Sabbath Day Observance!

Well I love you all.  And can't wait to tell you how my first week with my new companion goes!  


Elder Miles