December 7, 2015 Nothing wrong with short, sweet & to the point:)

Sorry I don't have a lot of time today.

We had an awesome service project this week for a widow that lives in our stake. Her grandson, who had previously taken care of her yard, passed away in a motorcycle accident about a year ago. So the yard hadn't been touched since then. So we spent most of our day Saturday to fix it up for her. And it was so sweet to see the gratefulness that she had for us and our ward members who came.

So I am sure you all have heard of this years Christmas video. This is something that the church is really pushing for and it is a great missionary tool. For members and full-time missionaries. I would like to challenge you all to share it on as many social media sites as possible, and continue to re-post it throughout the month. And any of those less actives or non members that you know that like it or comment on it, invite them to learn why.

Why did God send his only begotten son to atone for our sins?

In our mission we are already seeing sooooo much success from it. #miracles! Invite everybody! And those that are ready will hear our Heavenly Father calling them to come into the kingdom of heaven by being baptized by someone holding the priesthood authority of God!

Anyways I gotta go now, talk to you all next week.

Love always,

Elder Miles