Philippians 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me"
Jan 30, 2017 Do you all want to know the answer??...
I will be getting transferred tomorrow to Murrieta Springs YSA ward and the Alta Murrieta ward. Yes two wards, a ysa and family ward. Should be fun. My new companion will be Elder Wilson. He has been in some of my pictures, so when you see him you will recognize him. He is a good guy. I think he is from Oregon. But we are pretty similar. He has been out a transfer longer than me. It will be good, and I am excited! Other than that not a lot happened.
This week we were driving around a lot doing administrative stuff for other missionaries. We had to drive to Vista to get the mail this week. It usually gets dropped off at one of the church buildings in the stake though. So that was fun.
I am just ready to learn a new area and meet new people. Today is packed just trying to get ready to leave. And we have what's called "journal signing" where you have people sign and you can sign other peoples journals at the end of every transfer. So those are my plans. And thats about it!
Love you guys!
Elder Ethan Miles
January 28, 2017 Johnathan's Baptism... BIG SMILES ALL AROUND!!
SUNNY🌞 CALIFORNIA.... can still get a little rainy & wet!😄😂
Sisters Timmons & Gallacher *Elders Wilson & Higginson *along with our Elder Miles & companion Elder Phillips😃
Jan. 17, 2017 Guess what?!
Jan. 9, 2017 "...take time to hear what I actually represent..."
Updates on Johnathan. So he was able to set up an appointment for us to meet with his parents this last week. And we even confirmed it the day of. And just a few hours before, his mom canceled. Because she did want to talk to us. Probably because she was on drugs. So yesterday we gave Johnathan the Baptismal Form and he is going to have her sign it himself. Because what we are doing now isn't working. It's pretty frustrating.
I am ready to get transferred out of this area. We just can't seem to get anything going. Everybody here is so liberal and fine with where they are at they just don't want to talk to us. So many return missionaries come home and just brag about the people in their mission and the culture. And how much they miss them and want to be like them. I think I have learned what I don't want to be like and the culture I don't want to live in. I seriously can't wait to be able to walk in a store and not have people curse and glare at me just because of what I wear when they take no time to hear for themselves what I actually represent.
That's about it for this week. Hope everybody has a good one.
Elder Ethan Miles
Jan. 3, 2017 Crazy to think Elder Miles is coming home THIS YEAR!!
Happy New Year!
So we have a lot of greenies in our zone, and because I go home in July they all have been teasing me about how I go home this year. Then I tease them how they don't go home until the end of 2018. But it is weird to think about. Exciting. Especially how some of the goals that I've set not only are for my mission, but are for the last half of the year when I get home. Time to finish strong and start strong!
Johnathan still hasn't been able to set up a dinner for us. But his mom told him that he should be able to this week. He still wants it. So we are praying and fasting for him this week. Our fingers are crossed!
We are still trying to find more people to teach. We still have 3 or 4 more weeks until transfers, so I gotta help Elder Phillips find some people so I don't leave him in the desert haha. That's what I call it when we don't have anybody. We are going to work super hard.
Sorry I didn't have a whole lot of time, but I need to get running now. I hope you all have a good week! Love you!
Elder Ethan Miles
Happy New Year!! Jan 1, 2017
Brother Brandon Hernandez sent these pics. He is Palomar YSA Elders Quorum President where Elder Miles & Elder Phillips are serving right now😊
Elder Miles & Brandon Hernandez
Elder Miles & Elder Phillips
"Class time":)
Family Home Evening in YSA
Painting was the activity for the young single adult branch😃Thank you to Jeana Skinner for the photo!!❤
Dec. 25, 2016 Christmas call with Elder Miles...
“It’s been eye opening to me. As a missionary you live a higher life, you live a higher standard, but there are still things…Satan still puts things in your path & distractions that you need to keep out of your life. So I think where I’m at right now as a missionary (and even when I go home)…what distractions do I need to get rid of…what thorns or temptations do I have … am I putting myself in situations where I’m not able to grow roots…am I growing at all…am I in soil, at all.

I’m grateful for the opportunity I’ve had to be raised in the gospel & in a righteous family like my patriarchal blessing says…I’m grateful for the blessings I’ve received from that. As I’ve realized seeing different situations with Johnathan, you know…he lives in a really sucky situation & he’s going to learn a lot of lessons from that as he continues to progress in the gospel. By seeing the things that he learns & be able to apply them in my life, I’ve been able to see the things I’ve learned and to learn from him. I’m very grateful for that.
I’m grateful to have a Heavenly Father that loves me & has given me these things & given me the opportunity to repent & become better. Repentance is a process. I know that Heavenly Father really does want us to come back to him because he gives us a lot of chances…a lot of chances. On my mission I’ve realized I haven’t taken a lot of those chances & now is the time that I need to.
I’m grateful for all of those things & I say this in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
(we recorded him but it wouldn't download to the blog. It's been so amazing listening to him say it & typing it reread over & over this boy)